This is absolutely the silliest race picture I have ever seen! I look like a clown doing a dance!
So let's start from the beginning. Yesterday (Saturday), my hubby and the kids went with me to Maumee Bay State Park to pick up my packet and to get the course preview. I wanted to be there for the preview just so I knew what was really happening before the race morning. It made me feel much better to look over the course before it was busy and crazy.
HFP Racing seemed to be decently organized when it wasn't busy. The pick up was very quick and efficient. The lady that got my packet out was not overly nice, but she got what I needed and answered my questions.
I looked over the course and took some pictures....
The finish line!
What I would need to sight from the swim to get to the beach- the run up was just to the right of this picture, as transition entered under that little tiny tent there to the right of the picture.
My hubby and little man under the finish....
The finish again from the path I'd be running
The can see the first 2 red buoys, but the yellow are past seems SO far away for just 750M.
The EMPTY transition area
I listened in on the preview and we headed for dinner and home.
My alarm went off at 4:45am. UGH!! I was so tired. I went to bed at 10pm and slept well. I seem to sleep well no matter what is going on. I know some people can't sleep the night before an event, but I honestly think that I am so over tired all the time, that I just pass out!
I got everything in the car and took off with breakfast in my hand by 5:15. There was little traffic and I was in the park by 6:20am. There were a few times that I had to blast the radio since I was falling asleep while driving. I wish I could have had hubby drive me there, but waking 3 kids at 4:45am is NOT my idea of fun and I'd hate to leave hubby with 3 cranky kids while I'm out swimming, biking, and running- especially on father's day!
I set up my transition area and then went to check out the water. 74 degrees on a cloudy morning seems a lot colder of a water temp than 74 on a sunny day. I decided to head back to my car and grab my wetsuit, which I was planning to leave behind before that. I just wasn't sure I could get it off easily. I eventually put it on and it turned out to be a great decision.
Here are a few pics of transition:
I stood around and some friends of mine stopped by to wish me luck- they were heading out for a 7 mile run, but would be back to see the transitions later and to cheer me to the finish.
I want to mention that I thought HFP did a great job of keeping things marked and simple.... these signs lay it all our and they are everywhere.
All of the roads (including the bike course) were marked everywhere with these handy arrows, in the colors of your event.
Everything that I saw was well marked and organized. I did hear a few people complaining about the race management, but I really didn't have a lot of issues.
The first race was due to start at 7:30. At 7:00 they announced that they would delay the starts by 15 minutes as they worked to get the course ready. At 5am in the morning there were some really strong rain storms that has passed through right as they were trying to set up and it got them a bit behind as they waited for that. The storms were all gone by the time I got there, but it's understandable that they might have been trying to set up at that point and needed extra time.
The waves then started on (delayed) time and we waited on the beach for our wave. The one complaint I guess I could have is that they separated many of the groups, but the ONE group that was not split was the women's sprint. We all started together. All of the other waves had about 20-25 people at the most. Our wave was more like 70 women. It was a bit hectic. I was not worried, I'm a strong swimmer and I didn't mind people running into me in the water. About 100M into the swim we were spread out and everything was fine. I took the first 1/2 slow so I could work on my sighting. The second half I saw the beach and tried to take off a bit. I started running into the men from the wave in front of us around the 500M mark and that wasn't very fun, but it was neat to get out of the water at the same time and some of the men.
My first transition was a bit slower than I wanted, but I wanted to be sure I had what I needed for the bike. It was extremely windy and I knew I was in for some slow riding. If I had to pick which sport I am the worst at, it would be biking. Within minutes, all of the people I probably passed on the swim were flying by me like I was standing still. I felt like my was riding a kids bike into the wind. I just couldn't go any faster and it was soooooo hard to ride. Eventually we had a tail wind and that was great. If I could have a tailwind the whole way, I'd love the bike we had 20MPH winds for 1/2 of the ride. UGH!!!!!
My bike was slow and I knew it would be. I'll work on that. My T2 was decently fast and I was off for my 5K. My friends saw my transition...and took a GREAT picture (insert sarcasm)
I think I was waving, but who knows. I'm the queen of stupid looking pictures! I look like I was trying to carry a tray of food. At least I was smiling right?!
Anyway, within 100 yards I was thinking the following, "What the HELL did I do? Why did I sign up for this?" I was hurting and I did not feel like running a 5K. I finally got into a decent run around 2 miles and managed to finish was a decent time- I think.
Here is me running into the finish!
I have no idea what my time were- for one, I FORGOT to start my watch when I went in for the swim. I was so mad. I bought that watch because it was water resistant and could be with me on the swim. DARN! Maybe next time. HPF would have normally posted the times, but due to the rain and standing water near the finish, their electrical kept shorting out and they were unable to print the results. They still don't have them posted online. I would guess that they are trying to get everything sorted out and to be sure everything is correct before they post them.
Again- I'm sure some people complained about this- but you know what? They were running a LOT of electrical devices near a very wet beach and in some REALLY wet grass and trying to keep many things running at once. Are they a race company that should expected that- yes, but did it happen at the last minute before the races were to start? Yes. Is it that big of a deal to a newbie who has NO chance of placing even in her age group? NOPE!!!! :) I just want to eventually know my own personal times. The funny part was when the electrical shorted out to the fans that blew up the finish line arch RIGHT as the winners of the men's OLY tri were finishing. They had to run under a deflated arch falling on them. Pretty funny if you ask me!!
Anyway, here are some more pictures from the event-
My friend (and my personal photog!) Kim!
A bunch of medals they had laying out on Saturday- I love me some bling- I HATE when races don't have finishers medals. I like to have something to show for my finish!!! I know- I'm LAME!
Me actually looking like I'm running to the finish! YAY! Most of my pictures look like I'm walking when I'm close to the end of any race!
Me running to the end!
I'm so happy to have my first Triathlon done. I have signed up for two more- a women's only sprint in Sylvania and then an Olympic Tri in Vermilion in August. WHY did I decide I could do an OLY? I don't know. What I do know is that racing (or in my case, finishing) is a lot like childbirth. While running the last leg I was in pain and questioning my sanity. As soon as it was all over, I was thinking, "That wasn't so bad! I loved it, I want to do another- like maybe tomorrow!" It's like the memory of the pain is already out of my mind and lost to the great feeling of finishing. I'm sure I'll suddenly remember when I'm on the second lap of my oly swim, bike or run in August though!!!
Here is a cute pic of me in the shirt we got from the race... don't you love the bathroom mirror picture???
And the medal-
And that's it- another bucket list item crossed off the list!
Happy Father's Day to the dads and especially to my dad and my hubby, (who is an awesome dad for staying home with the kiddies so I could Tri-it today!)
How awesome, congrats on the race, I heard the wind was brutal!!