Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Important Things in Life!

While out on an 8 mile run with these girls this morning:

I thought a lot about the important things in life.  One friend always seems to have plans.  She has a lot of friends and she is very social.  Another friend and I remarked that we don't have a lot of friends and rarely have plans outside our family.  She then made the comment that running is her social life....the only "Girls Night Time Out."  What a great statement!  I love my family, but I always feel guilty about taking time out for me and for my training.  I guess I should consider my activities my time to be social and that's ok.  It's much better that I am out running, biking, and swimming rather than out partying and drinking (though those would be fun too.... I just don't have time!)

So other than Swimming, Biking, and Running...what is important to me???

This silly guy!

A great big sister!

and a middle sister that played so hard, she wore herself out!

These three beautiful children are my life when I am not out being me.  I am an awesome mom when I can be and when I'm not around (because of my exercise) I'm out being me so that I can be awesome when I am back!  After all, a healthy mom (or dad) can be a good parent for much longer!

My sitter bought our kids new swimsuits because they already swam so much this summer that the suits have all but fallen off of their tanned bodies!  The girls were so excited to show them off and were photo bombed by little brother who wanted to be excited too.  

except, he doesn't stop moving for the picture to not be blurry!

I'd post a picture of my awesome hubby who lets me have my me time without EVER complaining, but he hates the camera and doesn't let me to take pictures of him.  

One more thing.... guess what I bought recently?  Something VERY important.  I finally got a road ID. After falling on my bike a few weeks ago I realized that I should probably have one.  If I had knocked myself out, no one would have known who I was or who to call.  

It's even pink!

To set one up, it's sooooo easy.  I ordered mine (shown above) and it was delivered in 2 days!  Talk about service!  I wore it on my run this morning and didn't even remember it was there.  The one I bought was the ankle one in pink.  It is very light and comfy.  The website is easy to navigate.  Road ID has not compensated me for this and I paid for my ID in full....this is just an honest review!  However, if you use the link above I get some $ towards my next purchase.  

While you are out being awesome, why not be safe?!

Have a great day everyone!!!!


  1. Great run on Sunday! Awesome!! I love time alone with my girlfriends, especially when out for a run. Your kiddos are too the swimsuits, too! (My husband isn't a fan of the camera, poopers!)

  2. This sounds like my life, three kids, running... my life exactly! Glad you got that road ID, I need to get one too!
