Monday, January 21, 2013

A Pintresting Day

Today was a full day.  Everyone in my family had today off for MLK Jr. Day.  It was nice to have an additional day off together since we don't often have a lot of time together during the week.

I spent the morning cleaning our master bathroom.  Some day when we win the lottery have the money, we'd like to renovate our master bath.  The fixtures are those cheap brass/gold colored ones that peel and chip as they get older.  I researched on the web pintrest for ideas of how I could make them look nicer.  I decided to buy rustoleum spray and try to make them look like new again, but with a different color!  I wish I had take a before and an after (which I guess I could still do!) but I really only remembered to get a during because I was so proud of how I accomplished the spraying without getting everything in the bathroom!  I'm sure pros would laugh, but hey, it worked!

Then, after cleaning and refinishing, I spent some time looking for low-calorie desserts and happened upon the "Skinny Brownie" on pintrest that led me to this sight:  Sally's Baking Addiction.  I made sure to add all of the things I needed to my afternoon grocery list.  I followed the instructions for the most part, but did use less of some ingredients.  Here is the final product:

They were pretty good.  I was hoping for more of a dry brownie texture, but they are more like a solid chocolate pudding.  Still good.  The way I figured my ingredients, they should be about 75-80 calories each.  Considering real brownies are much, much more, I say it's a WIN.

Unfortunately, when browsing pintrest, my husband happened to see a pin for Peanut Butter Nutella Cookies.  I hate Nutella (I know, I know!) and I was grossed out just thinking of cookies made with Nutella, but since I was making skinny brownies for myself, I promised to make the Nutella cookies.  Here is our finished product of those:

Thankfully, I hate Nutella because these are about 6 gazillion calories each.  They contain lots of sugar, eggs, flour, peanut butter, and of course, NUTELLA.  Blah!  My hubby and all three kids LOVED them though.

So, there you have it!  All three projects today came from Pintrest and they were all fairly successful.  It has been a really pintresting day.

Oh, yeah, my exercise- I walked for 50 minutes around the church halls while oldest had cheer practice.  I made maybe 3 miles?  Too bad I'm feeling slightly ill right now and I'm hoping I'm not getting the flu...  there is no cure for that on Pintrest....or is there???

1 comment:

  1. I hate Nutella too so you aren't alone on that. The brownies look really good!
